© Giulio Favotto, “Ritratti”, Alice Ahad, 2020
Our research aims to analyze the cultural genealogy within dust, which has acquired a negative atmosphere. We propose dust as a new symbolic form. Dust is a concept and a structure. Dust is the Plastic Memory of the world and the Aesthetic of Immortality. Dust is a long-lived living material from which a new start can be made with a posthuman, post-fiction, post-death and post-linguistic re-framing for a new society and a new way of living the world, because Dust is an ecological environment without environment. Dust “makes-environment” and it is environment. Art could make a difference in terms of reflection, giving awareness, creating new knowledge, hints and clues. The dust is a heterogeneous archaeological landscape.
Dust is a result that manifests the process. Dust is a loud, silent manifesto that introduces new behaviors, patterns that aim to reformat the way people live and experience the world.
Dust is a new ecological approach to perceiving life, it is a post-human space where language is defeated and hierarchy falls.
Dust is an environment for encounter and discussion.
Dust is a new symbolic form, a heterogeneous and post-human and post-colonial material to learn from.
Dust is the place where time collapses into a temporal extension and coexistence.
Dust is a stratified place because it is simultaneously a collection of fragments, a material, a place, a garden and a paradise.
Dust is an extensional world made of the world that shows the world.
Dust is a narrative support that floats and expands.
Dust is no orientation, only a whole.
2024-2025 Art Residency, Peripheral Visions, Parco Archeologico Minerario di Raibl, IoDeposito
2024-2025 Re-writting caption, Post-colonial frame, Museo di Tolmezzo 2025 “Making Kin II: Plants” XENOFICTION a project by Cthulhu Books, Institute for Post Natural Studies.
Materials and articles_2018-2024
ORNITORRINCO TACHADO: Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico Publication
STAATLICHE MUSEEN ZU BERLIN: https://blog.smb.museum/dust-is-the-plastic-memory-of-the-world-a-conversation-with-alice-ahad/
HUMBOLDT FORUM: https://www.humboldtforum.org/en/programm/termin/guided-tour/paradeisos-stratification-of-memory-127902/
STAATLICHE MUSEEN ZU BERLIN: https://www.smb.museum/museen-einrichtungen/ethnologisches-museum/online-angebote/detail/ahad-moslemi-
EUROPEAN CAPITAL CULTURE: https://www.go2025.eu/en/whats-up/events/breakfast-with-the-artists-alice-mestriner-and-ahad-moslemi
PERIPHERIAL VISIONS: https://www.peripheralvisions.eu/2024/06/24/alice-ahad-peripheral-visions/
ARTAPARTOFCULTURE: https://www.artapartofculture.net/2024/01/11/humus-alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi-tessono-la-memoria-collettiva/
UNFOLDING READING: https://www.unfoldingroma.com/cultura/21089/humus-alla-conquista-di-casa-vuota/
SEGNO: https://segnonline.it/humus-alice-e-ahad/
ESPOARTE: https://www.espoarte.net/arte/materialita-della-polvere-humus-di-alice-e-ahad-a-casa-vuota/
FORME UNICHE: https://formeuniche.org/alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi-humus-e-il-peso-della-polvere/
Juliet Art Magazine: https://www.juliet-artmagazine.com/events/alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi/
SmallZine: https://www.smallzine.it/memoriaplastica-alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi/
EXIBART: https://www.exibart.com/mostre/memoriaplastica-la-mostra-di-alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi-da-nami-gallery/
NAMI GALLERY: https://www.namigallery.com/2023/03/16/alice-mestriner-ahad-moslemi/
JULIET MAGAZINE: https://www.juliet-artmagazine.com/en/memoriaplastica-alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi-at-nami-gallery/
IODEPOSITO: https://www.iodeposito.org/it/projects/peripheral-memories-2023/
spazio SERRA: https://www.spazioserra.org/it/exhibitions/2021-2022-venerazionemutante/alice-mestriner-ahad-moslemi-materiaprima
MADE IN MIND: https://www.madeinmindmagazine.com/dust-and-words/
EXIBART: https://www.exibart.com/arte-contemporanea/alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi-hyper-dust-a-series-of-post-human-relations-depositomele/
FONDAZIONE FRIULI: https://fondazionefriuli.it/media/documents/ricostruzioniprogr.pdf
OBALNE GALERIJE: https://www.obalne-galerije.si/it/next-generation-mostra-collettiva/
ESPOARTE: https://www.espoarte.net/arte/wish-you-were-here/
FORME UNICHE ANTROPOS: http://formeuniche.org/crisi-della-presenza-ernesto-de-martino/
OSSERVATORIO FUTURA: https://archivio.osservatoriofutura.it/materiaprima/
Les Nouveaux Riches: https://www.les-nouveaux-riches.com/alice-mestriner-ahad-moslemi/
hestetika: https://hestetika.art/materiaprima-e-la-nuova-mostra-di-alice-mestriner-e-ahad-moslemi-a-spazioserra/
Walk in Studio: https://walkinstudio.it/studio-article/14180/
OPENHOUSE MILANO: https://openhousemilano.org/articolo/arte-e-architettura-un-circuito-di-ohm-artweek
OSSERVATORIO FUTURA: https://archivio.osservatoriofutura.it/mondi-pulviscolari-e-identita-frammentate/
MUG MAGAZINE: https://www.mugmagazine.com/art-at-lazzari-space-2018.html
2024 PARADEISOS. Stratification of Memory, Ethnologisches Museum and Asian Art Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Humboldt Forum
2023 “memoriapastica”, solo exhibition, curate by Massimiliano Bastardo at NAMI Gallery, Napoli. “Sinapsi”, curated by IoDeposito, spazioMake, Udine. “Cremona drawing Art fair”, Cremona.Peripheral Memories, curated by IoDeposito, MuCa, Museum of shipbuilding museum of Mofalcone. Solo Exhibition, Casa Vuota, Roma
2022 “Wish you were here” curated by Alberto Cresoli, Bergamo. “Peripheral Memories” curated by Alessandro Senno and Chiara Isadora Artico, Udine. “Reconstructions” curated by Chiara Isadora Artico, Moggio Udinese. “Entropia” curated by Skolè, Olmi. “AN_THRO_POS Search for a material etymology (im)possible” curated by Cosimo Ferrigolo and Oscar Valenzin at METAFORTE. “Ladispolaneamente Festival of Containing Art” curated by Elisa Selli and Eleonora Gioia Franceschini, Rome. “About 7 billion years” curated by INNESTO.SPAZIDIRICERCA. “HYPER DUST a series of posthuman relations” curated by Maria Grazia Piccirillo and Daniel Dolci at depositomele, solo exhibition,Milan.
2021 “Albero a Gomiti”, curated by Chiara Isadora Artico at Galleria Elena Cantori, Trieste. “ATTO I”, curated by Via Gulli 31, Torino. “materiaprima”, at spazioSERRA. Fondazione Francesco FABBRI.
2020 Final exhibition residency program, Torre Medioevale, Tarvisio. 2020, “Through Time, Through Space”, MUSPA, Bologna.
2019 “PERIPHERAL MEMORIES”, curated by iodeposito and Alessandro Senno, Ex Caserma Polmare, Trieste. MICRO, Air Gallery, Manchester. Invasion and Go Back, curated by Fiorella Landolfo, MACAO, Milan. Hernandez Gallery, Milan. Public#Intimacy, B#S Gallery, Treviso. Assenza|Presenza, Palazzo Malmignati, Rovigo. Combat Prize, Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori – Fortezza Nuova Sala Degli Archi, Livorno. ‘FRONTAL INFLAMMATION’, M.O.N.A – Museum of New Media, Cologna Veneta, Verona.
2018 “di-monologue’’, MODULAR SPACE, Villorba.
“Identity Ineraction’’, Villa Memo Giordani, Quinto di Treviso. Participating in the Art Festival “Sottosopra”, Castelfranco Veneto.
Saba Gallery, Tehran, Iran. STILL LIFE, B#S Gallery Treviso.
2017 Performer in “Body and Soul’’ for the artist ORLAN at Palazzo Pisani, Venice. “Identity in Process’’, Spazio Lazzari. “Echoes and Horizons’, Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra Island, Greece
2016 Project “Pliè’’, Universitad de Vigo. International nomad project.
2024 Artist Talk at Venice Biennial 60, 2023-2024 Presentation and Exhibition at Humboldt Forum, Berlin. 2023 Speakers at EU Parliament for the project Come2art, Bruxelles. Interview RadioRai 2022 Speech at the University of Dortmund, 2022 Moggio Udinese ‘Reconstructions’. Primavera, Skolè.
2021 Artist Talk, Rah Residency, Theran. 2020 Conversations Between Generations with Fabrizio Plessi. 2019 Jaleh Gallery, in collaboration with RAH Art Residency and DAH Theatre, Tehran. 2016 “A Continuous State of Time”, 15th International Architecture Exhibition, Nigerian Pavilion with Ola-Dele Kuku, Venice Biennale.
2024-2023 Discovery the West, Ethnologisches Museum and Asian Art Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Humboldt Forum.
2024 CoMuse-The collaborative Museum at Künstlerhaus BETHANIEN, Berlin. 2023 Molino Moras, Iodeposito. 2021-2022 Peripheral Memories, Iodeposito, Palmanova. 2021 Rah Residency, Tehran, Iran. 2020-2019 Program: Rebuilding, 6th B#S War, Iodeposito, Tarvisio.